Session Info
What is an Agile software architecture? How do architectural considerations relate to both the technical and non-technical aspects of software development?
The Agile Manifesto begins by saying, “We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.” In this session with speaker Harold Shinsato, we explored this critical aspect of software development by encouraging all to share observations, insights, and experiences.
Session Structure
A facilitated conversation was held with an overview of architecture and software architecture basics, and then a review was conducted of what had already been covered about this topic within and around the Agile community. Topics included Design Patterns, SOLID principles, emergent design, and “screaming” architectures, as well as dev-ops concepts, microservices trends, and even a glimpse at Kent Beck’s upcoming “Tidy First” book.
The session concluded with some big questions based on experience with architects, both as a front-line developer and as someone who worked with and coached experienced architects in large organizations.
Questions Considered
How might architectural awareness be a great team skill? How do we tap into a comprehensive understanding that encompasses the entire ecosystem and product lifecycle? How do we engage with a deep intelligence that includes broad insights across the ecosystem and lifecycle of the products we create and maintain?