Every software company on earth shares a common problem. Features take too long to get into production and have bugs when they get there. So what should you do? Get critical stakeholders, DevOps, Product and QA team access to work-in-progress features as early as possible with ephemeral environments.
Ephemeral environments provide robust, on-demand platforms for running tests, previewing features, and collaborating asynchronously across teams. Ephemeral (preview/feature) environments have been around for a while. The problem is you need extensive DevOps expertise to create, manage and run them. However, with tools to manage these environments for you, your team can focus on the product instead of building internal tooling.
Integrating ephemeral environments into your workflow opens up a new world of asynchronous collaboration. Including reviewing new features, testing in parallel, reducing context switching and saving your developers time. In this talk, Marisa will outline ephemeral environments, why you should be using them, how they can save your team time, money, and stress; and demo how easy it is to integrate one of these tools into your pipeline.
Learning Outcomes:
- Explain what ephemeral environments are and how using them saves you time and money.
- Faster: learn how to get features into production up to 50% faster.
- Better: understand and optimize your software development life cycle and unblock your DevOps and QA teams.
- Stronger: build more reliable software by testing early and getting eyes on features before they hit production.
- Apply ephemeral environments to your software development lifecycle to create faster, better, stronger software.